FAQ - Pick-up Points


Below we have listed the most common questions on the CODE Pick-up Points app.

What is the difference between the Basic Plan and Plus Plan? 

Biggest difference between the 2 plans it that we can provide a more advanced integration the Plus plan. The Google Maps integration is only available in the Shopify Plus plan.

Which carriers are supported?
At this moment we support only PostNL (Dutch postal services) Pick-up points,. Besides the carriers there is also the possibility to enable In-Store pick-up points.
We will extend support for more carriers shortly.
Do I need additional data before I can use the app?
Yes, you will need a PostNL API key. When using the Shopify Plus integration with Google Maps, you will also need a Google API key. Click on the API links in order to obtain more information
I want to setup a different shipping rate per country, is this possible?
Yes, you can add additional handling fees in Shopify. This is an extra amount that is appended to the shipping rate. Click here for more information on this.
How can I show the selected Pick-up point in the Order confirmation email message?
The selected pick-up point is stored in a note attribute field within the order. Please refer to this article to implement it in your order confirmation message. Note that this is only possible on Shopify Plus.
Can I change the sort order of the Shipping methods?
You are able to change the shipping methods in Shopify Plus. You will need a free app (Scripts editor) of Shopify, please check this article. If you are not on Shopify Plus you can only influence the sort order by making one option cheaper than the other one (cheapest first). If equal the items are listed alfabetically so then you will need to adjust the name of the shipping methods.
I do not have Shopify Plus, can I use the Google Maps integration?
The Google Maps integration only works for Shopify Plus users.
How does it work when a 3rd party fulfils my orders?
Technically we cannot adjust the shipping address during the checkout process. This means that we adjust the order afterwards. This is done almost directly when the order is placed.

We listen to the orders/create webhook and make our adjustments based on that. Please refer to this article for more information

How does it work when I use a shipping tool like SendCloud?
In most shipping tools you are able to setup shipping rules based on the chosen Shipping method. For SendCloud we made a separate article here.

In other cases please refer to your shipping tool vendor and ask them whether they can work with order updates or not.

I do not see the Pick-up options during the checkout. How do I solve this?
There are several reasons why this might not work. So first, you will have to check in the admin backend if the Pick-up options are activated and the API keys are set. If so then make sure that at least one country is selected (for the In-Store pick-up you do not have to set this).

Last thing that you can check is your Shipping settings configuration, perhaps the rates are not available. Click here for more info on that.

You do not see the answer to your question? Please contact us or drop your question below in the comments section.

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