How it works


For now we only support PostNL (Dutch postal service) and Store pickup. We are planning to extend this to more carriers.

Obtain keys

In order to make the app work you'll need 2 API keys. First you will need to contact your PostNL representative and obtain a PostNL API Key that you can enter in the Admin. For more information on that visit this page.

Second, you will need a Google Maps API key so the map can be rendered in the checkout. For more information on this please refer to this article. Note that this Google Maps API key is only required for the Shopify Plus integration.

What will your customers see?

When everything has been set-up correctly. Your customers will see the Pick-up select option during the checkout process. Note that they will only see it when they want to deliver the package to a supported country. In the Admin panel you can select the countries that you want to support. Note that only the carrier supported countries are listed (see below)


During checkout

During the checkout your customers will see a list in the shipping methods box that contain the pickup points based on their postal code. The list is automatically sorted by rate. The number of items that are shown is limited and adjustable in the app settings.


Shopify Plus

During the checkout your customers will see the Google Maps as soon as they select the Pickup point option (see below for some examples). In the checkout it is available in Dutch, English, German and French. It will adopt the language of your shop. In case your language is not available it will fallback to English.


Do you want to see the app in action? Please go to This a demo shop where you can see the app in action. Note that you will have to select a valid Dutch address in order to see it working.


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